Spaceclaim solidworks
Spaceclaim solidworks

spaceclaim solidworks

Object IDs are preserved when other files are opened or inserted into, and the IDs can also be exported. IDs for edges, faces, and bodies are now stored within the .scdoc file.

spaceclaim solidworks

3D objects include vertices, edges, faces, surfaces, solids, layouts, planes, axes, and origins. Object Anything recognizable by the tools. If you work frequently with non- files, we recommend that you set your file options to optimize the importing and exporting process for your needs. Your license type determines which of these actions are supported. Use the Save As command to export parts, assemblies, drawing sheets, and 3D markups to formats read by other applications. Use the Open command to open files created in any supported format. You are here: Working with SpaceClaim documents > Importing and exporting

Spaceclaim solidworks